You deserve to be seen, heard, and understood 
so that you can BE FREE! 

Compassion & Community

Come receive the support, inspiration, wisdom and connection you deserve on your sacred journey!

“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival.” ~ Dalai Lama 


We understand the frustration and exhaustion that comes from doctors visits, blood tests and exams with no progress.

We get the fear that comes when you realize no one knows how to help you. Western and Eastern Medicine has failed you. We’ve experienced the grief that comes from friends and family not knowing how to help us.

There’s good news; you CAN heal, but you can’t do it alone.

 #1 key to freedom is ending isolation. 

Mandy Keene here, and I’m honored to cross paths with you. I’ve been blessed with a rewarding career as a professional Life Coach, and what I’ve uncovered as the truth about transformation and becoming truly free will shock you. It will shock you because it’s not what our $11 billion dollar self-help industry teaches. It’s definitely not what coaches are being taught. 

After 22 years of a lot of trial and error, I’ve been humbled to discover what we ALL crave and how to get it. My clients have been my greatest teachers, coaching people from all walks of life: from the Billionaire in Dubai to the Hollywood Star, to successful marketers, to stay-at-home moms, professional athletes, college professors, and all types of entrepreneurs.  

Ya know what I learned? 

It is not money, it is not power, it is not fame, it’s not even beauty that you crave, it is freedom. Yet, we are strongly hypnotized into believing that money, power, image, and status will fill that void we all want to fill. 

To Become FREE we need two essential things:

1) We need a compassionate approach to our freedom.
2) It takes a village (or in our case, a community) to experience true freedom.

The definition of compassion is understanding suffering. That’s why we need to understand-- on a mind, body, and soul level-- WHY we are suffering (not free). 

“Freedom is not believing but knowing who you are and why you are here.” ~ Mandy Keene

we are
wired to
thrive in

we are wired to thrives in tribe.

Humans evolved that way, really
thousands of years ago, we figured
out that by being a part of a close-knit,
supportive community of like-minded
people, we could not only survive, but enjoy
abundance even in the most challenging
That's what’s missing for most of us today

We have the innate desire to be free, but we seek it in places that only create more suffering. 

“I wish everyone could get rich and famous and everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that's not the answer.” ~ Jim Carrey  

Instead of doing this alone, wouldn’t it make more sense to be where everyone is
dedicated to their true freedom, and supporting one another every day?

Of course, it would!

And that's why...


Inside our exclusive membership community, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with amazing people who - just like you - wanted the chance to 


Just as a candle does not lose its flame by lighting another candle, our community experiences consistently greater happiness and fulfillment by illuminating the true, unlimited light each of us possesses.

You see, that’s what makes the Compassion & Community more powerful and transformational than anything you can try by yourself.

PLUS… members get access to a wealth of fresh training, curated content, and MUCH more every month to help them cultivate authentic, lasting healing even more powerfully… and use it to illuminate the lives of others. 

Here are just a few of the ways we support our members

(the rest will just have to be a surprise):

 Compassionate Campfire Chats  

Twice a week, we’ll create a live call for compassionate friends to share their wins, challenges, and questions. We’ll bolster each other with our shared knowledge in compassionate conversations. There will be themes regarding emotional health, physical health, relationships, spiritual growth, and more. Including a brief, guided meditation to bring us all to the present, beautiful moment.
 Monthly "Know Thyself" Training 

We believe the foundation of freedom lies in our own self-awareness. We will use tools like astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, assessments, meditation, nature, and our own life experiences to help connect the dots of who we are, and why we are here. These trainings will be very powerful and insightful! 

 Training in Compassionate Conversations 

(Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But one of the most fundamental pieces we are missing as a society is communicating with patience, curiosity and understanding.) To create a tribe without shame or judgment, we’ll provide the knowledge and the language required to fully support your new healing friends, as they will support you! 
 Welcoming Each New Member 

This community is about connection, first and foremost. We cheer for each other. We listen to each other. We share our stories. We want to hear yours, especially! No matter where you are in your sacred journey, we want to celebrate your strides. 
 Daily Inspiration + Engaging Posts 

For comfort, truth, and infinite learning, we’ll post wisdom from Dr. Gabor Maté, Eckhart Tolle, Brené Brown, Marianne Williamson, Richard Rudd, and many more. In fact, if you come up with any quotes from your personal journey, and you feel comfortable with us sharing them, we’d be happy to! 

 And many more!

The compassion & community
registration window
is currently open.

Isn’t it time you finally had answers for your freedom? (Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual, etc.)

Isn’t it time you were surrounded by like minds and solidarity?

And isn’t it time you found an accessible world-connected place, where you could heal, awaken and celebrate?

Then Compassion & Community is exactly where you need to be. We’d love to have you with us.

Go ahead and complete the registration process - it takes about 2 minutes - and we’ll see you on the inside!